Stress Management refers to combat stress, from physical reliefs like exercise and adequate sleep to mental stress relief through education about how the body reacts to chronic anxiety.
Do not be misled: not all stress is negative. Eustress is a term that is frequently used to describe the positive type of stress. This is the type of feeling you get when you're standing on the summit of a mountain, about to descend into the skies, or when you're playing a computer game and you're completely focused on the fact that you only have one life remaining. This is the type of moderate stress that results in an increase in dopamine and BDNF levels.
The goal is to continue challenging yourself, expose yourself to new situations, and manage the stress that this entails in a healthy manner. The worst thing you can do is sit in an elderly person's home, fretting about how lonely you are, or stay in the same office, doing the same work, every day while under a great deal of stress.
While we cannot control our circumstances, we can control our response to them. When you're lonely or bored, there are things you can do to reinvigorate your life - even if it's as simple as setting up the internet or picking up a new talent like painting. Additionally, if you are pressured at work, consider resigning - after all, your health is paramount.
Techniques for Stress Management
Additionally, you can experiment with a variety of stress management strategies. Meditation is perhaps the most successful and popular of them. It is no accident that a large number of Buddhist monks appear to live extraordinarily long lives. To give meditation a try, you may download the famous smartphone app 'Head Space' which guides you through many guided meditation sessions.
Alternatively, you might experiment on your own with transcendental or mindfulness meditation. The trick is to quiet the mind and to quit obsessing about trivial matters. The major error we frequently make is attempting to 'push' something to occur, which completely defeats the purpose! When you attempt to 'push' yourself to be calm, you are actually doing the opposite. Rather than that, you should simply sit quietly, close your eyes, and observe what happens.
If your mind wanders, simply make a note of it and return your attention to your breathing or maintaining mental stillness. It takes some practice, but even ten minutes a few times a week may make a significant impact. Eventually, meditation will develop into a technique that you can employ to maintain your composure in any situation. Another possibility is to investigate CBT, or 'Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.'
This is a psychotherapy treatment that teaches patients techniques for calming their minds and overcoming a stress response. It's often as simple as changing your perspective. For example, 'thought challenging' is a form of 'cognitive restructuring' that teaches you to examine the things you're frightened of and determine if they're truly frightening or whether you've exaggerated their importance.
If you suffer from a great deal of stress, you may want to consider visiting a professional cognitive behavioral therapist who can teach you these techniques, which you can then use to manage difficult circumstances on your own. Most importantly, remember that you must make the best of your circumstances, which includes putting yourself out there, doing new activities, and most importantly, interacting with new people.
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